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Endonyx toenail onychomycosis caused by Trichophyton rubrum: treatment with photodynamic therapy based on methylene blue dye

Linton Wallis Figueiredo Souza Simone Vilas Trancoso Souza 2 Ana Cristina de Carvalho Botelho

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DOI/PMID/Link: 10.1590/abd1806-4841.20132180


This study shows the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy based on methylene blue dye for the treatment of endonyx toenail onychomycosis. Four patients with endonyx onychomycosis caused by Trichophyton rubrum were treated with 2% methylene blue aqueous solution irradiated with light emission diode at 630 nm and an energy density of 36 J/cm2 for 6 months at 2-week intervals. The preliminary study showed the effectiveness of this therapy in the treatment of endonyx onychomycosis, and also indicated that the disease can be caused by T. rubrum.
Year Published 2013
Country Brazil
Rank Positive
Journal Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia
Primary Topic Nails
Secondary Topic Fungal Infection
Tertiary Topic Onychomycosis
Model Human
Wavelength (nm)
Complement/Comparison Methylene Blue